Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Patch: NetBIOS Namer Server Protocol Spoofing

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Patch: NetBIOS Namer Server Protocol Spoofing


Developer’s Description

This update resolves the “NetBIOS Name Server Protocol Spoofing” security vulnerability in some Windows-based networks. Installing this update will prevent a malicious user from misusing the Name Conflict and Name Release mechanisms that are part of Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). If this vulnerability is exploited, Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0 computers would be unable to register a name on the network, or would lose their current name registration, making these computers unavailable as network resources. For more information on this vulnerability, please read Microsoft Security Bulletin MS00-047.

what is a license key for windows?

A product key is a 25-character code used to activate Windows and help ensure that it is not installed on more PCs than the Microsoft Software License Terms allow.

What is a PC license key?

A license key is a database that verifies access to a licensed software application. This type of software security prevents software theft. And allows organizations to protect their software from being copied or shared with unauthorized licensed users.

How do I install programs?

Locate and download a .exe file.
Click on the .exe file and double-click it. (It will usually be in your Downloads folder.)
A dialog box will appear. Follow the instructions to install the software.
You will be able to install the software.