Help Generator

Help Generator

Help Generator

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Developer’s Description

Advanced Help Authoring software. Help editor with Microsoft Word 2010 / Windows 8 style fluent ribbon. Enable the Help Viewer with features like the Favorites navigation tab and extra button on the toolbar. Web help implemented using jQuery. Consequently it will work on virtually all browsers. Use Topic templates and Quick Parts as boilerplates for styled pages and page sections. Topic content is in HTML giving you full control over your content pages. Drag and Drop support with many uses to increase your help authoring productivity. Includes tools to find and fix broken links in pages, table of contents and index before publishing. Includes the Help Capture tool to generate complete topic pages from any part of your applications user interface – forms, menus

Help Generator help authoring software

Use our high productivity help authoring tools to create chm and browser based help

The Help Generator provides help authoring tools to create chm help files, browser based help and printed user documentation. The modern, Office style, help editing environment has many features to make you highly productive and guarantee quality output.

  • Edit using WYSIWYG (HTML) Help Editor with the modern Windows fluent ribbon.
  • Use the Help Generator help authoring software to create the standard windows help files, also called chm files or compiled html help file, and browser based help for any windows application.
  • The Help Generator add-in makes for each form in your application a descriptive topic page which include a title, screenshot with image map and sections for all controls.
  • The pages generated by the add-in are been automatically integrated with your application so that you have instant F1 support for context sensitive help. Add-in versions are available for Visual Studio .NET, Visual Basic 6 and Microsoft Access.
  • Includes the Help Capture tool to generate complete topic pages from any part of your applications user interface – forms, menus, … – again, a great time-saver!
  • Control over the many HTML Help settings unleashes the power of the Help Viewer with features like the Favorites navigation tab and extra button on the toolbar. To create chm file you need to have the free HTML Help Workshop installed.
  • The web help is implemented using jQuery. Consequently it will work on virtually all browsers.
  • Use Topic templates and Quick Parts as boilerplates for styled pages and page sections.
  • Topic content is in HTML – or XHTML –  giving you full control over your content pages.
  • Drag and Drop support with many uses to increase your help authoring productivity.
  • Includes tools to find and fix broken links in pages, table of contents and index before publishing.
  • Supports Unicode and help in all languages. Uses OpenOffice spelling libraries – available for free.
  • The user documentation is generated in Word. In Word you can save this to PDF.
  • Genuine single source publishing: create texts once, publish to different formats and media.

    Versatile documentation software


    HelpNDoc is a modern help authoring tool with an intuitive user interface. Write or import your content and produce more than 8 documentation formats including help files, web sites, user manuals, documents, Markdown, eBooks…

    Try HelpNDoc for Free ›

    Professional application designed to enable you to create help documentation for your applications, it’s packed with multiple nice tools that you can check out

    Help Generator


    Review by Alexandra Vaidos on October 22, 2015

    Help Generator is a piece of software has been designed to give help authors maximum productivity when creating a help system.It comes with multiple nice tools that you can check out together with lots of features. It sports a really intuitive graphical interface with plenty of tools at hand.

    Visually-appealing graphical interface with plenty of tools at hand

    The application doesn’t take long to install and it doesn’t come with a complicated setup that you would need to complete before you can actually use it. It sports a really intuitive graphical interface and it comes with lots of nice tools at hand.

    Start a new help project using the Help Project Wizard. When it is finished you will have all HTML Help Project files and supporting files like style sheet and templates available in your project folder.

    Create lots of projects

    The Help Project Wizard helps you set up a new help project. When it is finished you will have all HTML Help Project files and supporting files like style sheet and templates available in the project folder.

    In addition the most important setting will have been set such as Title, Language and Font. A help system or help Web site is made up of several different files. Some of the files contain the text, graphics, and other elements that appear in your help topics.

    Other files contain information about how your help system will look and how users will navigate through your help topics.

    More features and tools

    You can design your table of contents so that the topics contained in your help system are organized by subject or by category. You can organize your subject topics in the table of contents using icons that identify main topics and subtopics.

    For example, if you use the default icons, the Help Editor provides a “folder” icon for main topics and a “page” icon for subtopics. You can indent topic titles so they are easier for a user to see when they are scanning the list of topics.

    If you are designing a table of contents that will use the Help Viewer, you can customize the way the Navigation pane of the Help Viewer looks. All in all, Help Generator is the best application for creating help menus for your programs

    Help Generator is a program that provides help authoring tools to create .chm help files, browser based help and printed user documentation. The program includes the Help Capture tool to generate complete topic pages from any part of your applications user interface – forms or menus.

    Advanced Help Authoring software: – Edit using WYSIWYG HTML Editor with Word 2010 / Windows 8 style fluent ribbon. – Web help implemented using jQuery. Includes the Help Capture tool to generate complete topic pages from any part of your applications

    Help Generator Publisher’s Description

    Advanced Help Authoring software.
    – Edit using WYSIWYG HTML Editor with Word 2010 / Windows 8 style fluent ribbon.
    – Enable the Help Viewer with features like the Favorites navigation tab and extra button on the toolbar.
    – Web help implemented using jQuery. Consequently it will work on virtually all browsers.
    – Use Topic templates and Quick Parts as boilerplates for styled pages and page sections.
    – Topic content is in HTML giving you full control over your content pages.
    – Drag and Drop support with many uses to increase your help authoring productivity.
    – Includes tools to find and fix broken links in pages, table of contents and index before publising.
    – Includes the Help Capture tool to generate complete topic pages from any part of your applications user interface – forms, menus, … – again, a great time-saver!

    HelpMaker 7.3 is a free and useful tool to create and modify help files (.hlp), without using any word processor.
    The application can make help files for Windows (WinHelp), RTF and even HTML help files (help authoring files). It includes also two other applications: ButtonMaker and ImageMaker, that can be used for creating help files in a simple manner, enhancing the way HelpMaker creates the help files, with no user imagination limitations.

    The graphic user interface allows to preview and print the help file just created, show or hide rulers and apply zoom to the resulting file. Users can open an existing help file and modify it to correct (or copy) whatever is necessary.

    Paragraphs and fonts can be formatted, pages can be numbered, tab spacing support, case changing (bold, italic and underline support), and all the regular left, right and center aligment styles. Date, time or both can be inserted anywhere in the help file. Pictures and page breaks can also be inserted, as well as hyperlinks, OLE objects, etc.

    The application supplies printing support to printer, to PDF, print individual documents and print preview.

    For created help files, the application enables search and replace Unicode characters, topics and keywords.

    The program can import contents from Word, RTF and Text files, and also export help files to PDF, RTF, Word Doc and Web Page.

    Tables and nested tables can be easily used with this application, without needing extra programs to make up a good help file.

what is a license key for windows?

A product key is a 25-character code used to activate Windows and help ensure that it is not installed on more PCs than the Microsoft Software License Terms allow.

What is a PC license key?

A license key is a database that verifies access to a licensed software application. This type of software security prevents software theft. And allows organizations to protect their software from being copied or shared with unauthorized licensed users.

How do I install programs?

Locate and download a .exe file.
Click on the .exe file and double-click it. (It will usually be in your Downloads folder.)
A dialog box will appear. Follow the instructions to install the software.
You will be able to install the software.